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Prof. Dr. Murad H. Al Abdullah

Prof. Dr. Murad H. Al Abdullah

Executive Director
The Proceeding Book of  the 9th International conference for Digital Integration in Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Strategies (DIHSES-24)
The Proceeding Book of the 9th International conference for Digital Integration in Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Strategies (DIHSES-24)
Abstract Book of the 9th The International conference for Digital Integration in Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Strategies (DIHSES-24)
Abstract Book of the 9th The International conference for Digital Integration in Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Strategies (DIHSES-24)
The Proceeding Book of The 4th International Conference on the recent Trends of International Relations, Media, Social Sciences & Education  (ITIRMSE-22)
The Proceeding Book of The 4th International Conference on the recent Trends of International Relations, Media, Social Sciences & Education (ITIRMSE-22)
Abstract Book of the 8th International Conference on Scientific Research and Social Sciences (SRSS-24)
Abstract Book of the 8th International Conference on Scientific Research and Social Sciences (SRSS-24)
Proceedings book of the 8th International Conference on Scientific Research and Social Sciences  (SRSS-24)
Proceedings book of the 8th International Conference on Scientific Research and Social Sciences (SRSS-24)
Abstracts book of the 6th International Conference on Education, Psychology & Social Sciences (ICEPS-23)
Abstracts book of the 6th International Conference on Education, Psychology & Social Sciences (ICEPS-23)
The Proceedings book of the 5th International Conference on Languages, Translation & Social Sciences (LTESS-22)
The Proceedings book of the 5th International Conference on Languages, Translation & Social Sciences (LTESS-22)
Proceedings book of the 6th International Conference on Education, Psychology & Social Sciences  (ICEPS-23)
Proceedings book of the 6th International Conference on Education, Psychology & Social Sciences (ICEPS-23)
Abstracts book of The 7th International Conference: Modern Trends of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences(MTRHS-23)
Abstracts book of The 7th International Conference: Modern Trends of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences(MTRHS-23)
Proceedings book of The 7th International Conference: Modern Trends of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences(MTRHS-23)
Proceedings book of The 7th International Conference: Modern Trends of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences(MTRHS-23)
The phonetic representation and its semantuc effect in Al Imran Sura
The phonetic representation and its semantuc effect in Al Imran Sura
Directions in Language, Discourse & Literature:An Introductory Reader in Translation Studies
Directions in Language, Discourse & Literature:An Introductory Reader in Translation Studies
Abstract book for The 5th International Conference on Languages, Translation & Social Sciences (LTESS-22)
Abstract book for The 5th International Conference on Languages, Translation & Social Sciences (LTESS-22)
The Abstract Book of The 4th International Conference on the recent Trends of International Relations, Media, Social Sciences & Education  (ITIRMSE-22)
The Abstract Book of The 4th International Conference on the recent Trends of International Relations, Media, Social Sciences & Education (ITIRMSE-22)
Phonemes and Allophones between Arabic and English: A comparative descriptive study
Phonemes and Allophones between Arabic and English: A comparative descriptive study
Significance of Contrastive Grammar in Translating Across Arabic and English
Significance of Contrastive Grammar in Translating Across Arabic and English
Abstract Booklet of the 1 International multidisciplinary conference on social science and humanities:2019 (IMCoSH)
Abstract Booklet of the 1 International multidisciplinary conference on social science and humanities:2019 (IMCoSH)