Under maintenance
Prof. Dr. Murad H. Al Abdullah
Executive Director
The Proceeding Book of the 9th International conference for Digital Integration in Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Strategies (DIHSES-24)
Abstract Book of the 9th The International conference for Digital Integration in Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Strategies (DIHSES-24)
The Proceeding Book of The 4th International Conference on the recent Trends of International Relations, Media, Social Sciences & Education (ITIRMSE-22)
Abstract Book of the 8th International Conference on Scientific Research and Social Sciences (SRSS-24)
Proceedings book of the 8th International Conference on Scientific Research and Social Sciences (SRSS-24)
Abstracts book of the 6th International Conference on Education, Psychology & Social Sciences (ICEPS-23)
The Proceedings book of the 5th International Conference on Languages, Translation & Social Sciences (LTESS-22)
Proceedings book of the 6th International Conference on Education, Psychology & Social Sciences (ICEPS-23)
Abstracts book of The 7th International Conference: Modern Trends of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences(MTRHS-23)
Proceedings book of The 7th International Conference: Modern Trends of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences(MTRHS-23)
The phonetic representation and its semantuc effect in Al Imran Sura
Directions in Language, Discourse & Literature:An Introductory Reader in Translation Studies
Abstract book for The 5th International Conference on Languages, Translation & Social Sciences (LTESS-22)
The Abstract Book of The 4th International Conference on the recent Trends of International Relations, Media, Social Sciences & Education (ITIRMSE-22)
Phonemes and Allophones between Arabic and English: A comparative descriptive study
Significance of Contrastive Grammar in Translating Across Arabic and English
Abstract Booklet of the 1 International multidisciplinary conference on social science and humanities:2019 (IMCoSH)