Dr. Souad Hamidi

Dr. Souad Hamidi

Dr. Souad Hamidi Translation Team & International Team- Algeria

She is an Algerian academic specializing in British and American studies. She serves as a lecturer in the Department of English at Aboubakr Belkaid University in Tlemcen. She has been teaching English since 2008 in different institutions like high school, private schools, the chamber of commerce and recently university.  She is specialized in the British and American Civilizations, Cultures, and History, and her research interests include language, culture, and identity, with a focus on their interconnection.  Moreover, she is the head of the Wilaya Board of the National, Scientific and Cultural Association for the Promotion of the English Language, known as (NSCAPEL).

Some of her notable roles and contributions include:

  • an examiner for academic works, including theses and dissertations.
  • A supervisor for research projects for both Master’s and PhD students
  • A participant in numerous national and international conferences, such as the Fourth International Conference on Teaching Foreign Languages and Linguistics.
  • A researcher in the complex relationships between language, culture, and identity, particularly in the context of American civilization and history.