Dr. Fatima Ali Wali

Dr. Fatima Ali Wali

Dr. Fatima Ali Wali Proof Reader

A faculty member and instructor at the University of Samarra, Faculty of Arts, Department of Arabic Language. She obtained a doctorate in Arabic Language and Literature from the University of Samarra – Faculty of Arts in Iraq. She has been selected as the head of Scientific Division in the Faculty of Arts – University of Samarra. She also held the position of director of the Psychological Counselling and Educational Guidance Unit as well as directed The cultural unit in the same college. Dr Fatima has been recognised as a consultant in organizing conferences for the Ababil International Strategic Center, a member of the general body within the Iraqi Academics Syndicate, and has many memberships in scientific and cultural magazines, including: Al-Hikma Magazine. Which is published in USA and a member of the editorial board of Awtad magazine, which is published in Iraq. She is a member of the Emirate Arab International Academy. She supervised and assessed theses of multiple postgraduate students (Master’s and PhD) in Iraqi universities. Furthermore, she participated in several international and local conferences, and published many research papers in international and local scientific journals.