Strategic Thinking and Foreseeing the Future

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Educators - in many regions of the world - take their students back to the past, and do not prepare them for the future. This is because many educational systems make the learner's focus mostly directed backward (where sciences, arts, religions and philosophies are...) than forward (where imagination is open to the possibilities and opportunities for development, renewal and otherworldliness.) This imbalance continues for years until the learner gets used to it in his academic life, and afterwards in his practical life when he is entrusted with raising part of the challenges of his reality. Here, he shows a degree of helplessness and hesitation, as most of his educational training has only enabled him to understand the achievements of the past together with its challenges and its problems. This does not lead him - except accidentally - to build alternatives for the future and to indicate ways to move forward. Unless the graduates take responsibility for reforming himself and arranging and directing his knowledge, they will only be part of the problem, not of the solution.

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