Yemen in the Chinese strategy

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International relations reflect the requirements of the political, economic, and geographic reality. China in its relationship with Yemen did not deviate from that reality represented by economic interests that strengthen it with political interests. The geographical location comes mainly as Yemen overlooks the most important straits, ports and islands that constitute control points in international maritime trade. Through it, it seeks to preserve the safety and security of energy passage by linking it to its development project, the twenty-first century project, the "Belt and Road Initiative" in Yemen and the oil-rich Gulf region, which has unique characteristics thanks to the renewable geological structure. Accordingly, China seeks a stable Yemen on the Indian Ocean as a part of the Pearl String strategy, which ensures the energy flow from the Arab Shield away from competing Western threats and against the presence and rise of China in the south of the Arabian Peninsula, and in order to achieve a balance of interests, it has mediated reconciliation between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Kingdom of  Saudi Arabia On 3/10/2023, the parties to the war in Yemen have been an agency since 2015, which contributed to mitigating the severity of the Saudi air strikes on the Houthis, and a promising political breakthrough for other crises in the Middle East region. Therefore, China was able to bring about important changes in the balance of power in international politics by not repeating past scenarios by taking war as a means to bring about structural changes, in international systems, but through peace based on dialogue and intellectual rapprochement.

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